We are recruiting for a research assistant and/or lab manager!

We are actively recruiting for an open research assistant position to be filled as soon as possible. Previous research experience and experience as a lab manager is a plus! Interested applicants can connect with me directly by email at cmmcgraw@mgh.harvard.edu Our official job posting through BCH is here: link: https://jobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?PageType=JobDetails&partnerid=368&siteid=5205&Areq=59362BR >
Dr. McGraw awarded CDKL5 Program of Excellence Pilot Grant award to model CDD in zebrafish!

Dr. McGraw has been awarded a new grant to develop a mosaic model of cdkl5 deficiency in zebrafish using a novel approach. Stay tuned for more details!